

This conference is organized by the Department of Applied Mechanics of the FEMTO ST Institute (UMR CNRS 6174) in collaboration with the Warsaw University of Technology, the University of Perpignan Via Domitia and the INSA of Val de Loire.
It will feature invited lectures, oral or poster communications.

>>>>>>>>>>    Registration fees    80€    Frais d'inscription    <<<<<<<<<<



Historic overview :

French-Polish mechanics seminars are annual scientific events highlighting French-Polish collaboration in the broad field of mechanics and their various applications. Alternatively organized in France and Poland these scientific events have allowed both French and Polish researchers to strengthen and diversify a successful cooperation over the past 25 years.

The last edition of the seminar was held on May 14th-15th, 2018 and was hosted by the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology under the auspices of the PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), in Warsaw.

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Objectives and addressed topics :

The French-Polish seminars in mechanics are primarily intended for young french or polish researchers so as to present their early research work. The aim of these seminars is to gather mechanics or physics researchers and engineers, mathematicians, who work in these following thematic fields: two-phase flow, mechanical systems dynamics, identification of parameters for modelling mechanical processes, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of materials, contact mechanics, numerical methods, heat transfer and viscoplasticity.

This wide variety of topics gives to these seminars an eclectic nature, especially since the next edition will shed an original light on Vibrations of Structures or on Energy Storage.

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