
The submission of contributions is now available

Before submitting make sure you have created a personal SciencesConf account (Click the 'Login' link at the top right on the page)

Important dates

March 1st, 2019    Opening of the online submission platform
April 30th, 2019   Submission deadline extended until  May 15th, 2019 !

Contributions must be between one-half and one full page in length, in a WORD or PDF format document. They will be written in English and will be peer-reviewed. Authors will indicate their preferred presentation format when submitting : oral presentation or poster and the chosen topic.

  • Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be communicated to the presenting author(s) about 3 weeks after submission.

  • Presenting authors must know that a maximum of 2 abstracts can be presented at the conference if they are registered.

After Abstract acceptance
every submission had to be associated to a payment of the seminar registration fees : early registration 80€ for registration until May 20th, 2019 then 100€ deadline June 6th, 2019

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